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Giano Founder info

Meet Hailey Giano. Her only goal in life is to find the "one". She dresses very casual. The one thing you will be seeing from her is popping out some babies. She will have at least 2 kids. She grew up in a family that had not loved her very much.


Family Tree

Aspiration: Soulmate

Traits: Alluring, Genius, Romantic, Family Oriented


Succession Laws to be Followed:

Equality: The Founder may be of either gender. Both boys and girls are eligible for the title of heir.

Modern: Both Naturally born and adopted children are eligible to be named heir.

Random: The title of heir is randomly selected from the pool of all eligible children. Every time the eligible pool changes size, the heir must be re-rolled using the new pool.

Tolerant: The species of the child has no impact on their eligibility for heir status.


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