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Update!! - Life, Youtube, Blog 10/27/15

I know I said that I would post on here more often but things have been hectic in my life. My nephew just turned 4 months last Monday. He was 15 lbs 9oz and 25 inches. So far he is able to roll over and is still a smily, adorable, and happy baby. My family and I have been trying to get him to laugh.

So on to Youtube. This has been super stressful with editing and other software stuff. Check out the channel. I have currently 3 videos up. I am having computer storage issues that can soon be resolved ASAP. I haven't been so interested in the sims lately due to the fact that my game is laggy and I always have homework. Ugh! I want you to take a survey and visit my presentation. I want to know what you want to get get rid of on this blog and what you want to see. This will help me a lot so I can see what is popualar and wanted to see. Happy Halloween!!!

Note: All links that have may/may not shown up through out the will be in the About Me tab.

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